Monday, April 7, 2014

Dear Partners in Ministry,

“I just got my heart back!” 

Those words, along with a flood of emotion, came to mind as I entered the Gulf Coast on my third disaster relief trip following Hurricane Katrina.  I told many people after my previous trip that “I left my heart down there with those devastated people.”  Many of you know that Disaster Relief has a huge place in my heart.  I was actively pursuing opportunities to do Disaster Relief ministry full-time when God called us to Haiti back in 2009.  There are no doubts that God opened the door and called our family to Haiti to serve among a people who live in a constant state of disaster.  Our family answered God’s call to go, and we feel a great sense of satisfaction and completion from our time in Haiti with Global Partners.  However, my heart never got away from Disaster Relief.  Anyone who has volunteered for Disaster Relief has witnessed the impact this ministry has on the people devastated by natural disasters. They have also seen God’s hand perform miracles.  One lady in Orange, Texas shared the following emotional testimony on video. 

I am Cindy Jackson.  When Rita came through it destroyed another home I had.  I was able to take my insurance money and buy this home.  Then Ike came through and paid us a visit, and I had approximately a foot and a half of water, and no flood insurance.  It ruined a lot of things in my home.  The enemy tried to throw me in a pit…this wonderful organization called World Hope showed up…James told me he would send a guy over to look at my electrical, and when I came there was a whole crew of angels on my driveway.  It truly felt like in the body of Christ how you know its one thing to say things but to see it enacted.  Jesus’ hands were on my driveway.  At first I was overwhelmed… and couldn’t believe that someone was here to help like that.  I want to thank you all for coming and giving me hope for the future.  God just continues to show His hands by sending people to help.  Thank you for doing what we as Christians are sent out to do.

I was blessed to be the leader of that “whole crew of angels” on her driveway, and I would need much more time to tell the amazing chain of events that actually made it possible for us to be the “hands of Jesus” on her driveway that day.

Heidi and I want to thank you once again for your prayers for and financial support of our family’s ministry in Haiti during our term with Global Partners. We are so thankful to finally announce that I have been offered and accepted a ministry position with Poured Out.  This group ministers through Disaster Relief in the United States and in Haiti through bringing life-giving water to areas where there is no potable water.  The base of operations for Poured Out is in Michigan, but they have decided to add a “Southern Connection” to the ministry.  I will respond to disaster stricken areas inside the US and lead short-term mission teams to Haiti from our base of operations in South Carolina.  Poured Out is not an official ministry of the Wesleyan Church, but will soon have status similar to World Hope International in the way it is recognized by the Wesleyan Church.  One of the founders of the Poured Out ministry is an ordained Wesleyan pastor, and a recent press release on called Poured Out “the disaster and relief partner of The Wesleyan Church.”  However, the ministry partners with businesses and other denominations to bring clean water to orphanages and villages in Haiti, and to bring much needed assistance to people affected by disasters. 

Poured Out is a faith-based ministry just like Global Partners and requires their missionaries to raise support in the same way.  It is a registered 501(c)3 Non Profit, and can receive tax deductible contributions.  We would appreciate your prayerful consideration to continue supporting us through another organization. However, we will understand if you are unable to do so. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you will be able to continue your support of our ministry as we transition to our role with Poured Out.  I will send more information about how donations can be made to Poured Out for our support once I receive your response.

You can read more about Preventive health strategies and meaningful missions and poured out. 

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