Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The truth

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror? Most people look at themselves in the mirror only when they are dressing up, putting on make-up, comb their hair, and brush their teeth. What I am talking about is looking at yourself in the mirror for more than 10 minutes. I asked this question to my best friend and friends and found out that some of them just throw on their clothes and barely look at themselves for more than a minute. That’s what they do every day! Hey I did that until last year.

One thing you should do is first stare at yourself in the mirror for at least 5 minutes. Are you able to look into your eyes and say you’re happy with yourself? Are you happy with the way you look and feel? Some people can’t even look at themselves in the mirror. I have seen a man look into the mirror and punch the mirror breaking it to pieces. He just hated himself and how his life was turned out. He thought about himself to be a failure. Do you feel like that sometimes? If you do, I want to say that you have the talents and the power to change your way of thinking.

Rally yourself up.

Make a list with positive things about yourself including what you want to become. Now I am no psychologist but I use to do this when I was in High school  and freshman year of college before I took a Calculus test. I started doing this again last year. Now go to the mirror and tell yourself what you wrote on the list. Do this every day and believe it. You see our whole lives we had been surrounded by negative people. Family, friends and strangers may have put you down and put limitations. As result it went into our subconscious minds and we began to believe it. This causes a person to get low self-esteem and get on the defensive and walk around like they have a force field.

Relax and be Persistent

If you keep looking into the mirror and telling yourself positive things your life will transform. When you start believe that you have a beautiful mind and a unique body god has given you. You become what you say. People will see you different in the way you carry yourself. Your whole inner being becomes free and you see things more clearly. The chains of insecurity that held your thoughts captive will be broken. Success will definitely follow you in whatever you do.


“No man is free who is not master of Himself”

“Know first who you are; then adorn yourself accordingly.”

“First say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do”…Epictetus Philosopher.

 Written by Michael V. Reynold

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