Monday, May 5, 2014

People in our lives.

Again and again I hear from friends, colleagues and others about how they feel hopeless, helpless or just completely frustrated with life and people. There are often life challenges and some are worse then others. Sometimes there are people around us (family, co-workers) that we do not have an option to distance ourselves from that are negative and demanding. It’s part of life — life can be good but it will never be perfect.

Once you accept that, you can come to the realization that you choose how to react and respond to life happening and people around you in the way that best suits you!

We have a choice. I don’t think most people want to respond or react negatively. I think most people want to feel good and want life to be good. I think most people want to make a difference in the world and the lives of those around them in a positive way. We are only limited in doing so by our own choices.

You have a choice, each moment, to be your best self. Even when you have been hurt, angered or frustrated you can decide if you want to be peaceful, loving and joyful or be mean, hateful, angry. It is not always easy, because sometimes life circumstances or certain people REALLY affect us. But they only have the power of you that you ALLOW.

When you practice responding and reacting in positive, healthy and even loving ways, you are in control of YOU. Here are some of the things I practice when life gets me down, when people drive me nuts or when circumstances leave me shaking my head and asking whaaaat??

Before you react or respond…

pause and take a few deep breaths
count your blessings
think about how you want to be perceived (loving, respectful, patient etc. or out of control angry, unfair, mean etc.)
consider what the outcome of your reaction & response will be (hurting others, losing opportunities, saying/doing things you regret etc.)
 remember that you cannot change others and sometimes circumstances either-(what will it get you by reacting/responding in a way that is not being your best self?)

"We have control over how we react and respond. When we do not let others or circumstances put us in victim mode, we are free!”

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